about 1 year ago, SJS
Thank you for your service! In observance of Veterans Day there is no school.
over 1 year ago, SJS
Thank you for your service veterans day verterans day observance friday, november 10th no school
Congratulations to our Students of the Month of October!
over 1 year ago, SJS
Students of the Month October pre-k Jeston B  TK-Moriah W.    Kinder-Shiloh D.     1st Grade- Michael L. 2nd-Jeovanni R.    3rd-Janessa L.     4th Grade- Cruz D.     5th-Mia D.      6th-Zarya A.     7th Mesoma I.     8th -Osinachi O.
Upcoming Dates to Remember!
over 1 year ago, SJS
November 2023 upcoming dates Nov. 7  Spirit week 11/7 pajama day 11/8 sports day 11/9 character day. Nov. 10 Veterans Day observance no schoool. Nov. 19 8TH gRADE cOFFEE AND dONUTS Nov. 21 Thanksgiving Pot-luck