Pre-K Teacher
"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
St. Jerome’s Pre-K is an early childhood education program that continues a child’s learning journey towards kindergarten.
Pre-K offers students a well-planned program that builds necessary social-emotional, academic, and spiritual skills
that are needed for success throughout their years at St. Jerome and beyond.

This is our 2022-2023 cubby and supply list. The children will need the items listed for our class projects and material collection.
Please take time to look through this list and have them ready for the first day of class.
1. Complete change of clothing in a large zip-lock labeled with child's name.
Please include a pair of pants or shorts, a shirt, underwear, socks in school colors.
2. Rest blanket ( a fitted-crib sheet and small crib-size blanket are required. A small pillow is optional.
Please place these items in a bag labeled with your child's name. Not required for the first week of school until the following week.
3. Lunch box or snack pack to store their food.
4. Water bottle with their name on it
5. Family photo no bigger than 4x6 or sleeping pal (teddy)
6. 1 pack of baby wipes
7. 1 box of Kleenex
* Please be sure to write your child's name or initials on items that can be incorrectly taken by another (water bottles, jackets, sweaters)
8. 1 Clorox Wipes 2 Pack Canisters or Lysol/ Clorox Brand All Purpose Cleaner-optional (your preference)
9. Paper Towel Roll
10.Emergency Snacks/cleaning supplies/school supplies to serve students at a cost value to earn a service hour.
11. A one time art fee of $20.00 to replenish art supplies (photographs, laminating, sequence, feathers, beady eyes,
buttons, pipe cleaners, etc).
Thank you for all your help and support!